Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products
Extremozymes for wood based building blocks: From pulp mill to board and insulation products
Many wood processing techniques require extreme conditions of heat and alkalinity. WoodZymes seeks to develop extremozymes (enzymes that can function under extreme environments) and extremozyme‐based processes that will allow underutilised lignin and hemicellulose fractions of kraft pulp mills to be valorised. This will produce high‐value bio‐based compounds to be used as bio-equivalents of existing petroleum-based chemical building blocks and precursors.
In doing so, they will create substitutive components (lignin-based phenolic resins and polyols) for the manufacture of medium-density fibreboards (MDF) and polyurethane (PU) insulation foams, potentially reducing or avoiding the use of toxic ingredients, whereas the sugar-derived compounds will be used as fibre bonding enhancers in papermaking.
WoodZymes illustrates the potential of extremozymes in the global bio-based economy, contributing to the sustainability and competitiveness of cellulose and fibreboard and polyurethane manufacture.
The overarching of the WoodZymes project is to provide tailor-made extremozymes and extremozyme‐based processes that are new to wood bio-refineries. These will produce biomass‐derived chemicals that will provide alternatives to existing fossil‐based chemical building blocks. Specifically, the WoodZymes project will seek to:
As well as its contribution to the overall BBI-JU goals and Key Performance Indicator, the WoodZymes project aims to make the following impacts:
MetGen is a beneficiary of the WoodZymes project.
Extremozymes for wood-based building bio-products
12 November 2018
Take a look at our project WoodZymes whose aim is to supply timber and paper industries with special enzymes to produce wood-based building blocks such as board and insulation bio-products. Read more