Optimizing multifunctional forest-based value chains with single tree information and application of digital technologies
Optimizing multifunctional forest-based value chains with single tree information and application of digital technologies
European forests are facing unprecedented threats caused by the climate change. The promotion of sustainable forest management practices is vital to support Europe’s bioeconomy, counteract biodiversity loss, and boost the resilience of European forests.
SingleTree aims to develop an optimised value chain for improved climate change adaptation, forest resilience, multifunctionality, and cascading use of woody biomass in precision forestry. The project will develop disruptive forest monitoring strategies based on artificial intelligence and remote sensing, adaptive single-tree level management solutions, intelligent machines for implementing single-tree operations, and improved traceability and ability to predict wood quality early in the value chain as a foundation for optimised biomass supply.
To develop an optimised value chain, SingleTree aims to: