Cost-effective prOdUction of ligNin plaTform chemicaLs Extending the biobaSed chemicalS portfolio
Cost-effective prOdUction of ligNin plaTform chemicaLs Extending the biobaSed chemicalS portfolio
Achievement of Europe’s sustainability and climate goals requires a transition from fossil-based to bio-based chemical building blocks. As an abundant natural resource, lignin has substantial potential to serve as a starting material for the production of functionalised aromatic compounds. However, only 1-2% of annual lignin production is used as aromatic chemical building blocks that provide an alternative to their fossil-based counterparts.
Involving partners covering the entire value chain, COUNTLESS will demonstrate the first continuous process of its kind in industrially relevant conditions for the cost-effective and sustainable production of lignin-based platform chemicals. It will also show how such chemicals can be applied to a variety of end uses, leading to the conclusion of licensing agreements and generation of revenue streams.
COUNTLESS aims to:
demonstrate the continuous conversion of lignin, via catalytic hydrogenolysis, into platform chemicals at industrially relevant conditions (TRL 7);
produce and demonstrate a range of construction and cosmetics products using the lignin-based platform chemicals;
use digital tools for process monitoring and decision support related to product quality;
prove the sustainability of the lignin-based value chain and its improved environmental impact, cost-effectiveness and cost competitiveness compared with fossil-based or other bio-based value chains;
maximise exploitation of the COUNTLESS technologies;
develop strategies to ensure market uptake of the project results.
increase resource efficiency thanks to the use of a sustainable and underused biomass source (lignin) for chemical production;
diversify the EU-produced and bio-based chemical portfolios through the cost-effective production of novel lignin-based platform chemicals;
enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of the European chemical industry thanks to reduced dependence on aromatics from outside of the EU, substitution of fossil-based chemicals with bio-based alternatives and low-emission production processes with a clear pathway to carbon neutrality;
increase market uptake and public acceptance of bio-based solutions resulting from demonstration of high-quality, sustainable platform chemicals for a wide range of applications.