RefuCoat seeks to develop hybrid bio-based high oxygen/water barrier and active coatings to be used in monolayer bio-based packaging (films and trays)...
EU reliance on synthetic and fossil-based mineral fertilisers, with 9.8 million tonnes of nitrogen and 1.1 million tonnes of phosphorous used in EU28...
The focus of the European chemical industry will have to change within the next 15 years because of the diminishing fossil resources, climate change...
The current food system is seriously challenged by evolving consumers needs and by the rapid world population growth, which could peak to 9.7 billion...
European forests are facing unprecedented threats caused by the climate change. The promotion of sustainable forest management practices is vital to...
The aquatic environment is underexplored and underexploited, with huge potential value. A small number of these are microalgae, with the capacity to...
A proactive regulatory approach is an important driver in developing emerging industries and attracting investment. Similarly, a proactive approach to...