Filter optionsSearchThemeEnhanced circularityFood & feedPackagingBio-based plasticsSustainable agricultureTextileSustainable chemistryCosmetics & personal careAutomotiveFurnitureHealthier lifeType of projectResearch & Innovation ActionInnovation Action - DemonstrationInnovation Action – FlagshipCoordination and Support ActionFeedstock originAgri-food wasteForestry wasteAquaticOrganic wasteOther and newSidestreams from industryBiogenic gaseous carbonFiltersResults (62) Making wood the new star of fashion catwalks Do you wonder where your clothes come from? The material they’re made of and how they are produced? Most of us don’t, but if we did, we might get a... 16 November 2021 Textile Destructive insects produce high-value products from organic waste CBE JU-funded researchers and industry are putting insects to work – from termites that destroy wooden buildings to insect larvae that are outstanding... 10 November 2021 Sustainable chemistry Previous1234567Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up-to-date with the latest news and events from CBE JU and our projectsSubscribe
Making wood the new star of fashion catwalks Do you wonder where your clothes come from? The material they’re made of and how they are produced? Most of us don’t, but if we did, we might get a... 16 November 2021 Textile
Destructive insects produce high-value products from organic waste CBE JU-funded researchers and industry are putting insects to work – from termites that destroy wooden buildings to insect larvae that are outstanding... 10 November 2021 Sustainable chemistry