Filter optionsSearchThemeEnhanced circularityFood & feedPackagingBio-based plasticsSustainable agricultureTextileSustainable chemistryCosmetics & personal careAutomotiveFurnitureHealthier lifeType of projectResearch & Innovation ActionInnovation Action - DemonstrationInnovation Action – FlagshipCoordination and Support ActionFeedstock originAgri-food wasteForestry wasteAquaticOrganic wasteOther and newSidestreams from industryBiogenic gaseous carbonFiltersResults (62) GRETE revolutionises sustainable textile fibres The CBE JU-funded GRETE project has revolutionised how textile fibres can be made from wood residues. The fashion industry has a sustainability... 26 October 2023 Textile Flagship biorefinery makes much-needed non-animal protein To increase the availability of protein from non-animal sources, the CBE JU-funded PLENITUDE project has built a large-scale, first-of-its-kind... 16 October 2023 Food & feed Putting Europe’s marginal lands to good use for the bio-based economy A CBE JU-funded project identifies six tree and shrub species that show promise as cultivated biomass used in the manufacture of bio-based products... 09 October 2023 Packaging Ushering in a new era for green fibres and plastics A collaborative project created sustainable fibres and plastics from renewable feedstock, bringing these materials into the circular economy. 18 September 2023 Textile From paper mill and food production waste to bio-based products Natural ingredients from organic waste streams support bread- and cheese-making, healthier cosmetics and more, thanks to safe, sustainable and eco... 23 August 2023 Enhanced circularity Promising alternative to packaging lowers plastic industry’s carbon footprint A new bio-based polymer could be good news for the environment. An assessment of its industrial production and use in bottles points to potentially... 27 July 2023 Bio-based plastics Establishing a multi-purpose biorefinery to recycle organic content An integrated biorefinery solution turns disposable hygiene product waste into valuable bio-based products, paving the way for a greener, circular... 26 June 2023 Enhanced circularity Miscanthus shows promise as biomass in a range of applications Working along the biomass value chain, the GRACE project helped farmers develop marketable crops while incentivising industry to invest in bio... 07 June 2023 Enhanced circularity Every little bit counts: extracting value from agricultural waste From green beans to coffee beans: a cascade of eco-friendly extraction processes repurposes agricultural industry's residues, making the most of... 23 May 2023 Enhanced circularity Redefining plant health: biopesticides offer sustainable solutions With today’s International Day of Plant Health, the United Nations is promoting awareness of the importance of plant health. Life without plants is... 12 May 2023 Sustainable agriculture Previous1234567NextSubscribe to our newsletter to keep up-to-date with the latest news and events from CBE JU and our projectsSubscribe
GRETE revolutionises sustainable textile fibres The CBE JU-funded GRETE project has revolutionised how textile fibres can be made from wood residues. The fashion industry has a sustainability... 26 October 2023 Textile
Flagship biorefinery makes much-needed non-animal protein To increase the availability of protein from non-animal sources, the CBE JU-funded PLENITUDE project has built a large-scale, first-of-its-kind... 16 October 2023 Food & feed
Putting Europe’s marginal lands to good use for the bio-based economy A CBE JU-funded project identifies six tree and shrub species that show promise as cultivated biomass used in the manufacture of bio-based products... 09 October 2023 Packaging
Ushering in a new era for green fibres and plastics A collaborative project created sustainable fibres and plastics from renewable feedstock, bringing these materials into the circular economy. 18 September 2023 Textile
From paper mill and food production waste to bio-based products Natural ingredients from organic waste streams support bread- and cheese-making, healthier cosmetics and more, thanks to safe, sustainable and eco... 23 August 2023 Enhanced circularity
Promising alternative to packaging lowers plastic industry’s carbon footprint A new bio-based polymer could be good news for the environment. An assessment of its industrial production and use in bottles points to potentially... 27 July 2023 Bio-based plastics
Establishing a multi-purpose biorefinery to recycle organic content An integrated biorefinery solution turns disposable hygiene product waste into valuable bio-based products, paving the way for a greener, circular... 26 June 2023 Enhanced circularity
Miscanthus shows promise as biomass in a range of applications Working along the biomass value chain, the GRACE project helped farmers develop marketable crops while incentivising industry to invest in bio... 07 June 2023 Enhanced circularity
Every little bit counts: extracting value from agricultural waste From green beans to coffee beans: a cascade of eco-friendly extraction processes repurposes agricultural industry's residues, making the most of... 23 May 2023 Enhanced circularity
Redefining plant health: biopesticides offer sustainable solutions With today’s International Day of Plant Health, the United Nations is promoting awareness of the importance of plant health. Life without plants is... 12 May 2023 Sustainable agriculture