ICT-BIOCHAIN - ICT Tools in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production
ICT-BIOCHAIN - ICT Tools in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production
The main aim of the ICT-BIOCHAIN project is to identify ways to use ICT effectively to increase the efficiency of biomass supply chains for the bio-based industry.
The use of technology will help improve the efficiency of biomass supply chains, maintaining a future competitive advantage for the European bio-economy.
ICT-BIOCHAIN’s overarching objective is to identify opportunities for using ICT to increase the efficiency of biomass supply chains for the bio-based industry. This will support Europe’s bio based supply chains by helping make them more efficient. Specifically, it intends to:
Disseminate and exploit ICT-BIOCHAIN results.
By 2020, the ICT-BIOCHAIN project plans to:
ICT-BIOCHAIN will contribute to the achievement of objectives included in the BIC SIRA mentioned above. Specific impacts of the project are:
Other related impacts include:
Improving the awareness, acceptance and trust of society in sustainable biomass valorisation thanks to greener, improved biomass supply Chain.
Information technology is key for biomass success
8 December 2020
The BBI JU-funded ICT-BIOCHAIN project unveiled a platform that facilitates the use of information technology tools for creating more efficient biomass supply chains. Read more
Agricultura y CTA presentan una plataforma para acelerar la digitalización del sector de la biomasa
La Razón, 16 July 2020
The Spanish newspaper highlights the presentation of the platform created by ICT-BIOCHAIN.
Read more: Spanish
A model to efficiently run the bio-based industries
4 June 2020
The model provides a first glance at the regional opportunities with regards to feedstock availability. It also estimates the transportation costs associated with moving the feedstock to a different modelled location for the envisioned biorefinery plant. Read more