CBE JU has published its Annual Work Programme for 2025, including information about the next call for project proposals. €165 million will be dedicated to advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe across 13 topics.
€165 million for the circular bioeconomy
In 2025, CBE JU will open a call of project proposals covering 13 topics, with a total indicative budget of €165 million:
Innovation actions – flagship (IA-flagship)
- Urban-industrial symbiosis for bio-waste valorisation - €18 million
- Bio-based drop-ins/smart drop-in platform chemicals, via cost-effective, sustainable and resource-efficient conversion of biomass - €20 million
- Circular-by-design fibre-based packaging with improved properties - €18 million
- Retrofitting of (bio)refineries industrial plants towards higher-value bio-based products - €20 million
Innovation actions (IA)
- Sustainable macroalgae systems for innovative, added-value applications: cultivation and optimised production systems - €14 million
- Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) bio-based solutions to replace hazardous conventional chemicals for textiles production - €13.5 million
- Scaling-up nutritional proteins from alternative sources - €14 million
- Cost-effective and robust continuous biotech bio-based processes - €14 million
- SSbD bio-based polymers/copolymers unlocking new market applications - €13.5 million
Research and innovation actions (RIA)
- Valorisation of untapped forest biomass - €7 million
- Bio-based and biodegradable delivery systems for fertilising products to reduce microplastics pollution & promote soil health - €6 million
- Alternative biomanufacturing routes for natural and synthetic rubber - €6 million
Coordination and support actions (CSA)
- Develop and deploy new curricula and knowledge exchange practices relevant to bio-based systems - €1 million
Check the Annual Work Programme 2025 for the complete topic text, conditions and requirements.
The call for proposals will open on 4 April 2025, and the call deadline is foreseen for 17 September 2025.
In 2025, CBE JU will continue to work on higher participation of the primary sector, both land and sea, in the European bioeconomy. By promoting competitive and sustainable growth, our efforts will contribute to the creation of new jobs and inclusive regional development. Our sustainability goals include scaling up circular technologies, enhancing climate resilience, and increasing resource efficiency. The CBE JU’s community is committed to fostering market readiness, removing investment barriers, and de-risking innovation in the bio-based sector.
Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore, CBE JU Executive Director
Save the date for the CBE JU Info Day 2025
The CBE JU Info Day 2025 is planned for 3 April 2025 in person in Brussels, with ample face-to-face networking opportunities. The sessions will also be streamed online. Registration for in-person participation will open soon.
Private investments top up Horizon Europe’s funding
The CBE JU budget for calls comes from Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation funding programme. Each euro of public funding will be complemented by private investments. The topics for submission will be published on the EU’s Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal.
A work programme to address strategic priorities
The Annual Work Programme 2025 is based on the strategic priorities from the CBE JU’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). This guiding document was developed jointly by both founding partners of CBE JU, the European Commission and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), with the support of the Programme Office, and adopted by the CBE JU Governing Board.
In 2025, CBE JU will set up a deployment group on investment and finance and a working group on primary producers to address some of the most pressing challenges for the sector.