The CBE JU call for project proposals 2023-2 is closed.
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Call for proposals 2023-2
- Call identifier: HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-2
- Call launch: 6 July 2023
- Call deadline: 4 October 2023, 17:00 CET
- Call budget: €1 million
CBE JU calls follow the rules and procedures of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme. Find more information about Horizon Europe’s funding opportunities.
Call topic
Coordination and support actions (CSA)
- HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-2-S-01 CBE JU supporting activities for the New European Bauhaus Academy, a network for re-skilling and upskilling towards a sustainable construction ecosystem
Check the Annual Work Programme 2023 for the complete topic text, conditions and requirements, and the FAQ for the frequently asked questions.
The topics for submission will be published on the EU’s Funding & tender opportunities portal.
The Horizon Online Manual provides more information about the different application steps. Please also check the How to apply section on the CBE JU website.
These are the main steps to select the projects funded by this call for proposals:
6 July 2023
Call publication & opening
Applicants can submit their proposal in the EU’s Funding & tender opportunities portal.
4 October 2023
Call closing
The deadline for submitting your proposal is at 17:00 CET.
March 2024
Evaluation results
Applicants receive the evaluation results.
June 2024
Grant agreements signature
After a few months of preparation, CBE JU signs grant agreements with the successful applicants.
FAQ for applicants
Read the updated FAQ for applicants for the CBE JU Call for proposals 2023.
Apply as an expert
Are you an expert in the circular bio-based industries fields but are not planning to submit a proposal? Consider applying as an evaluator to help CBE JU select the best proposals in future calls:
- Create or update your expert profile via the European Commission’s Funding & tenders portal
- E-mail experts [at] by end-May 2023, mentioning your expert profile number (format EX20XX1234567).
Call documents
These are the documents needed to submit your project proposal. You can find them in the submission system: