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Administration and Finance Unit


The administration and finance unit provides the tools that CBE JU needs to pursue its overall mission. With a service-minded approach, it ensures the effective and efficient use of all available resources across all CBE JU activities.

In particular, the administration and finance unit:

  • safeguards CBE JU’s financial interests by coordinating the preparation of operational and operating budgets;
  • ensures that CBU JU’s financial operations are carried out in compliance with procedures, legality and regularity requirements, following sound financial management principles, and recorded in accordance with the accounting rules and standards;
  • ensures legal soundness of CBE JU’s operations;
  • carries out the risk assessment, ensures the effectiveness of internal controls and follows up audits;
  • ensures timely recruitment, adequate allocation of human resources and a high-quality working environment;
  • provides statutory and administrative assistance, career guidance, training and promotes equal opportunities for all CBE JU staff;
  • guarantees secure, efficient and high-quality IT services and infrastructure contributing to a productive and efficient working environment for CBE JU staff and external stakeholders.

Olivia Reymond - Head of Administration and Finance

Olivia is trained as a lawyer. Before joining the EU institutions, she worked in private practice, dealing with mergers & acquisitions and EU competition law. For the last 15 years, she has devoted herself to people management as well as legal and financial matters for the European Commission's Research Executive Agency. Olivia's previous professional experience in the EU Commission includes a stint in the Budget Directorate-General and five years in the State Aid field in the Competition Directorate-General.

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